1st Annual Children and Youth Annual Meeting

Sunday, June 9, 10:00 am in Knatvold

UUC will hold its first Annual Meeting for the children and youth in our community this Sunday! We are excited to introduce this tradition, which will give children and youth agency and ownership in their programs at UUC, as well as begin developing an early understanding of the place our congregational meeting holds in our church community. 

Incoming 1st graders through outgoing 12th graders are invited to this event. We will start together in Knatvold. After a short chalice lighting and some icebreaker games, we’ll break up into small groups based on age. 

Children in our elementary groups will answer questions about their favorite things at church, what they wish they could change at church, and what they would do if they were in charge of the budget. They will also vote on 3 special snacks and the service projects they’d like to do together in the 2024-2025 Church Year. In addition to these questions, incoming 6th-8th graders will answer the question, “Next year, we want to do some middle school youth group events. If you could take over the church for a day or an evening with other kids your age, what would you do?” Rising 6th-12th graders will spend their time planning the Youth Con that UUC is hosting in mid-October. 

After our brainstorming, discussion, and voting children and teens will get to play outside and in Knatvold until the Annual Congregational Meeting has wrapped up upstairs. We’ve got some fun games, activities, and crafts planned! 

For more information about the Children & Youth Annual Meeting please contact Director of Family Ministry, Aria Curtis.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Posted/updated on:

June 6, 2024
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