Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
For many generations, UUC has worked towards creating a more just and compassionate world by putting faith into action. Justice and service are primary ways we embody our religious values.
Our current areas of focus include Racial Justice, Climate Action, Homelessness and Housing Justice.
We welcome you to join us.
Navigating a large church and getting plugged in can be tricky. Here are some of the common ways people get connected!
Current Social Justice and Service Teams
Sign up for the Gateway:
Our weekly newsletter shares information about justice team meetings and events open to the community. You are welcome to drop into meetings and events that spark your interest. Please note, some events require registration or prior communication with leaders.
Explore UUC Connect: UUC Connect is the platform we use to aid in communicating across the congregation. Here you can reach out directly to team leaders, request to join a team’s communications, and register for upcoming events.
Once you have submitted a Contact Us form or a Connections Card, you will be added to our system and have access to UUC Connect.
Show up on a Sunday: UUC is an active community throughout the week, but Sunday morning is the main gathering where people build connections. Come to church and stay for coffee hour. Ministers, staff members, and greeters can all help connect you with others who might share your interest.