Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
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Through story and play, children at UUC explore our Unitarian Universalist values and what it means to live out those values in daily lives. In a small group setting and 4-6 week modules, children dive deep into topics like invitation, repair, trust, inclusions, and joy. They experience important ritual, sing together, and have fun with all sorts of games and activities.
While each of the groups listed below follows the same general program plan, the details of their session plans will differ slightly based on age.
Parents of children ages 6 mos through 5th grades are invited to drop their kiddos off for an evening of creative fun and enjoy a night to themselves! Programming for young children will include free-play, an art or science-related activity, and a children’s movie. Dinner will be provided.
We believe worship is an important part of community and faith development. Once a month, usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month, our entire church community gathers for a meaningful, vibrant, and engaging multi-age worship service. These services often include stories, embodied spiritual practice and ritual, and easy-to-sing music. Stepping Stones, Roots and Wings groups do not meet during All Ages Worship.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a holistic and comprehensive sexuality education program. OWL provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information about many topics, including relationships, gender identity and expression, sexual health, and cultural influences on sexuality. In the 2023-2024 church year, we plan to offer an OWL class for Kindergarten-1st Grade and 4th-5th Grade.
More information about OWL can be found on our
Sexuality Education page.
Chalice Camp is our annual, summer day-camp for Unitarian Universalist kids. It is a week of meaningful exploring and community building, including music, art, games, worship, and fun field trips. Chalice Camp is open to elementary-age children, entering 1st through 6th grade. More details can be found on our Camps & Retreats page.