Worship led by Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministry, focused on Our Whole Lives (OWL) and the importance of comprehensive sexuality education at UUC.
Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on March 9, 2025
Worship led by Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministry, focused on Our Whole Lives (OWL) and the importance of comprehensive sexuality education at UUC.
Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on March 2, 2025
Worship led by Rev. Doug Wadkins. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on February 23, 2025
Worship led by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Loft Choir; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on February 16, 2025
Worship led by Rev. Doug Wadkins. Music by Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on February 9, 2025
Worship led UUC Youth. Music by the All Voices Choir; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on February 2, 2025
Worship led by Rev. Doug Wadkins. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 26, 2025
All Ages Worship led by Aria Curtis and Rev. Doug Wadkins and Beth Chronister, including goodbye to Byron Krystad. Music by the All Voices Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 19, 2025
Revs. Doug Wadkins and Beth Chronister leads the service, each delivering a homily. Music by the Loft Choir; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 12, 2025
Rev. Beth Chronister leads the services. Sermon title: "Following the Thread." Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 5, 2025
Rev. Doug Wadkins leads the service. Theme: "The Practice of Story." Music by Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Roger Nelson, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on December 29, 2024
Rev. Doug Wadkins leads the service and meditations: "Morning Watch for a New Year." Music by Camille Watson, soprano, and Roger Nelson, piano.
Christmas Eve Service at University Unitarian Church (9:00p Service)
Rev. Doug Wadkins and Rev. Beth Chronister lead this traditional service of Lessons and Carols. Music by the Loft Choir and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano. Special musical guest Dennis Calvin, English horn.
Christmas Eve Service at University Unitarian Church (7:00p Service)
Rev. Doug Wadkins and Rev. Beth Chronister lead this traditional service of Lessons and Carols, with a family focus. Music by the Loft Choir and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano. Special musical guest Dennis Calvin, English horn.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on December 22, 2024
Rev. Doug Wadkins leads the services. Theme: "Winter's Invitation." Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on December 15, 2024
Due to technical problems, there was no live stream or official recording of the services on Sunday, December 15, 2024. A member was kind enough to capture their own videos of both services and make them available on YouTube. Full details about these services and the YouTube recordings are available at this blog post.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on December 8, 2024
Sermon by guest Rev. James Ford. Serivces led by Rev. Dr. Doug Wadkins. Music by the Bell Choir; the Loft Choir; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Service of Solace at University Unitarian Church on December 4, 2024
This evening service includes gentle words of comfort, candles lit in remembrance, and music to soothe the soul. Join the Rev. Beth Chronister, members of the UUC Care Team, and special musical guests for this beloved annual event.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on December 1, 2024
Guest speaker Kyle Turver preached and Rev. Beth Chronister hosted the services for the first Sunday of Advent. Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 24, 2024
This Sunday was our Thanksgiving worship service including the sermon, "Things to Make the Season Right," by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
All-Ages Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 17, 2024
This Sunday was our monthly All Ages worship service, in which children and teens are warmly invited to attend the service with their parents/caregivers. Through a series of stories, we will explore one of the five Jagged Rocks of Unitarian Universalism, "Salvation in this life." Aria Curtis, our Director of Family Ministry and Revs. Doug Wadkins and Beth Chronister will lead the service, with the help of Piedra the Otter. Music by our All Voices Choir; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Music Sunday at University Unitarian Church on November 10, 2024
This Week:
Twice yearly, in November and May, our Music program presents a large choral work with orchestra, the Loft Choir and guest musicians under the baton of Karen P. Thomas. This fall it is George Frideric Handel's Dixit Dominus. Homily by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 3, 2024
This Week:
The UUC Common Power Delegation leads the service with testimonies and images from their recent travels in the southern United States. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 27, 2024
This Week:
Rev. Mary Katherine Morn in the pulpit for our Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) worship services. Sermon title: "Another World is Possible." Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 20, 2024
This Week:
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church in Nathan Johnson Hall, including the Homily "Unity That Makes Us One," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; Maddie Smith and Rosemary Dasckiewicz, choir members; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 13, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "The Power of Transformative Conversations," by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 6, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "The Spiritual Practice of Listening," by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on September 29, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "A Congregation's Journey," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on September 22, 2024
This Week:
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the Blessing of the Backpacks and a Homily delivered by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministries; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on September 15, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Embracing Change," by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Amy Peer, soprano; Danny Szydlo, tenor; Karen Thomas, bass; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Homecoming Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on September 8, 2024
This Week:
Homecoming Sunday worship, including the first sermon at University Unitarian Church by Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Summer Worship at University Unitarian Church on September 1, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Stronger Together," by Rev. Justin Almeida. Music by Holly Eckert, violin; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Note: there were technical issues with the recording of this service. Please forgive our imperfect technology and how it affected this Sunday worship.
Summer Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 25, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Beeing Human: Lessons from Bees and Chaplaincy," by Rev. Kyle Turver. Music by Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Summer Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 18, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Planting Seeds of Possibility," by Rev. Jennifer Alviar. Music by Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Chalice Camp Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 11, 2024
This week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon, "Hallelujah Anyhow," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by Jim Chekerylla, guitar; Cally Lindenmeier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Chalice Camp Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 4, 2024
This Week:
A celebration of Chalice Camp featuring Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministries; Amanda Mack, Youth Ministry Coordinator, and 2024 Chalice Campers. Music by Chris Monroe, Vibraphone; Dwight Beckmeyer, piano; and Chalice Campers.
Summer Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on July 28, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Are All Humans Religious?" by Rev. Bruce A. Bode. Music by Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Roger Nelson, piano.
Summer Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on July 21, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "What's Your SOS?" by Rev. Dr. Emily Melcher. Music by Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Summer Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on July 14, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Dancing on the Threshold," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano and accordian.
Summer Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on July 7, 2024
This Week:
Summer Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Face to Face," by Rev.Bruce Davis. Music by Cally Lindenmeier, mezzo soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Summer Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on June 30, 2024
This Week:
Our first service of the summer at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Mind Your Mind," by Sunny McMillan. Music by Susan Telford, flute; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
June 23, 2024
UUC was closed this Sunday, while we watched the UUA General Assembly Sunday worship service.
Jon Luopa Day Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday June 16, 2024
This week:
On June 16, 2024, UUC held a special Sunday Service honoring Rev. Jon Luopa as he retires from 25 years as UUC's Senior Minister. Includes Rev. Luopa's last sermon, "The Last Harvest," and the world premier of a new composition by Music Director Karen Thomas commissioned in honor of Rev. Luopa's retirement. Performances by the Loft Choir, members of the Bell Choir, and the All Voices Choir. Also includes special tributes from ministerial colleagues, past UUC Board Presidents, and a recorded tribute and prayer from UUA president Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt, among others.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday June 9, 2024
This Week:
Annual Meeting Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including a recognition of Membership and Covenant, Recognition of Volunteers, and a Moment of Silence for those who have passed away in the last year. Music by Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Flower Communion Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday June 2, 2024
This Week:
Flower Communion Worship at University Unitarian Church, including Child Dedications, Bridging Ceremony (2nd Service Only), and Flower Communion. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs, led by Karen Thomas; All Voices Choir, led by Dwight Beckmeyer; and Dwight Beckmeyer, accordian and piano.
Child Dedications
First Service: Wyatt & Adaline Kehler
Simon, Ramona & George Granillo-Dodds
Second Service: David, Rose & Claire Yamada
Lou Van Cleve
Bridging Ceremony (Second Service Only)
Autumn Sager, Avery Walker, Izzy Webb, Ming Parsons-Chen, Owen Dombrowski & Romy Vos
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday May 26th, 2024
NOTE: We were unable to stream the service and were not able to get a visual recording. However, we do have an audio recording of the sermon that we have posted below. Thank you for your understanding.
Coming of Age Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday May 19th, 2024
This Week:
Coming of Age service at University Unitarian Church, featuring faith statements from Elliot Walker, Ellie Grow, Harper Coles and Asha Hendrickson. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Stacy Miller, mezzo; and
Mother's Day Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, May 12th, 2024
This Week:
Mother's Day worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "What Do We Hope For?" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, May 5th, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Remembering and Forgetting," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, accordian and piano.
Spring Music Sunday at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, April 28, 2024
This Week:
Music Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including a Homily by Rev. Jon Luopa.
To the Hands by Caroline Shaw
I. (wordless)
II. In media
III. Her beacon hand beckons
IV. ever ever ever
V. Litany of the Displaced
VI. i will hold you
Performed by Loft Choir and Friends, led by Karen Thomas
Camille Watson & Amy Peer, sopranos
Cally Lindenmier, mezzo-soprano
Ian Loney, tenor
Rick Scheyer, bass
Holly Eckert, violin 1
HyeKyung Seo, violin 2
Eileen Swanson, viola
Page Smith, cello
Steve Schermer, double bass
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, April 21, 2024
This Week:
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church, including a Homily by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmeier, mezzo soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, April 14, 2024
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "A Project of Creation: Becoming Abolition" by Rev. Deanna Vandervier of the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, April 7, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Belief, Faith, and Commitment" by Rev. Bruce Davis. Music by the Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Easter Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, March 31, 2024
This Week:
Easter Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "We Live Because We Are Loved," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; David Cole, trumpet; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday March 24, 2024
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Life Affirming Community," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday March 17, 2024
This Week:
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday March 17, 2024, including the Homily "Economies of Abundance," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday March 10th, 2024
This Week:
2024 Fleagle Lecture service at University Unitarian Church on Sunday March 10, 2024, including the sermon "Selma to Seattle: It's Our Time to Cross the Bridge" by David Domke. Music by Mark Pearson, guitar and vocals.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday March 3rd, 2024
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Being Saved By Relationship," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music By the Bell Choir and Loft Choir led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, Baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday February 25, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Making Love," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir led by Karen Thomas; Karen Thomas, guitar; Camille Watson, soprano; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday February 18, 2024
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "The March Continues," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Youth Service at University Unitarian Church on Sunday February 11, 2024
This Week:
Youth Worship Service with contributions from:
- Rev. Beth Chronister, Associate Minister
- Amanda Mack, Youth Ministry Coordinator
- Colin DiNino-Childers
- Hannah Sears
- Aziza Imbier-Glick
- Mina Kendall
- Mira Van Eaton
- Alan Van Eaton
- Lucy Lawson-Sanders
- The All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle
- Cally Lindenmier, mezzo soprano
- Dwight Beckmeyer, piano
During the service, the song "The Truth" was performed. by Mira. "The Truth" (words: Macrina Wiederkehr, music: Velma Frye).
To purchase Velma's various CDs or the Seven Sacred Pauses Songbook:
To purchase Macrina's book:
More information about this chant from songwriter, Velma Frye: "The Truth" is a track on my CD, Seven Sacred Pauses, which was a companion CD to Macrina Wiederkehr's book of the same name. The CD uses Macrina's words for 18 of the 21 songs (and she requested the other three songs). The next CD, Take Heart, offers her wisdom in six of the 12 songs. My website shows all of Macrina's words used as lyrics on these two CDs. Some tracks are available for download online.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday February 4, 2024
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Hell Bound?" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Congregational Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, January 28, 2024
Congregational Town Hall meeting recorded on Sunday, January 28, 2024 led by Chuck Harwood, moderator. Includes a report from Board Treasurer Jim Thompson; a Capital Campaign report from Katie Renschler and Steve Carlson; an Anti-Racism Discernment Team update from Rebecca Denino; a report from the Senior Minister, Rev. Jon Luopa; a report from the Associate Minister, Rev. Beth Chronister; a transition report from Board of Trustees President Patricia Graesser; a video from Keith Kron of the Unitarian Universalist Association; and Questions from the Congregation.
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday January 28, 2024
This Week:
All Ages worship at University Unitarian Church, including the Homily "Image Bearers of Equity, Healing & Wholeness," by Rev. Jennifer DeBusk Alviar. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Karen Thomas, bass; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday January 21, 2024
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Seeking a Way, Finding the Path," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the All Voices Choir led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday January 14, 2024
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "The Challenge of Control" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday January 7, 2024
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Saving Ourselves?" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday December 31, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "What Makes You Special?" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Christmas Eve Service at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, December 24, 2023
This week:
Christmas Eve service at University Unitarian Church with Homily by Rev. Jon Luopa. Carol Sing-a-long to begin. Music by the Loft and Bell Choirs, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; Ian Loney, tenor; Karen Thomas, guitar and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Family Holiday Service at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, December 17, 2023
This week:
Family Holiday service led by Rev. Beth Chronister and Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministries. Nativity Scene and Family Dedication of Sophie and Penelope Bianamara. Music by the All Voices Choir and Family Holiday Choir led by Joseph Finkle; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, December 10th, 2023
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "A Child Shall Lead Them," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir led by Karen Thomas; Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, accordian and piano.
Service of Solace on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
The annual meditative service of solace and remembrance offered during the typically hectic holiday season. Homily by Rev. Beth Chronister. Readings by the Care Team. Music by Cally Lindenmier, alto; Steve Johnson; and Roger Nelson, piano. Additional music from guest the Threshold Choir.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Incarnation" by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 26, 2023
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Cathedral of the World" by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, Baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 19, 2023
This Week:
All ages worship at University Unitarian Church led by Rev. Beth Chronister and Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministries. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmeier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 12, 2023
This week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Being Broken Together" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by Bell Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Music Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on November 5, 2023
This Week:
Music Sunday at University Unitarian Church, including a homily by Rev. Jon Luopa. The Loft Choir, UUC soloists, and orchestra performed "Dixit Dominus" by Marianna Martines under the direction of Karen P. Thomas; Dwight Beckmeyer, piano and harpsichord.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 29, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "The Dark is Seasonal," by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 22, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Resisting Urgency" by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 15, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Looking Backward, Looking Forward" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church on October 8, 2023
This week:
All ages worship at University Unitarian Church, including a homily by Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministries. Music by the All Ages Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Cally Lindenmeier, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Not For Ourselves Alone" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Bell Choir, led by Karen Thomas; the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "At-one-ment" by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
This Week:
All Ages Worship at University Unitarian Church including the Blessing of the Backpacks and a Homily by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by All Voices Choir, led by Joseph Finkle; Rick Scheyer, bass; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
This week:
Homecoming Sunday at University Unitarian Church including sermon "What Holds Us Together?" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on September 3, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "A Way of Growing" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by Cally Lindenmeier, mezzo soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 27, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including Beth's sermon which was interrupted by technical difficulties. Please see the audio recording of the sermon to listen to it in its entirety. Music by Larissa Cox, saxophone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 20, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "How Does That Make You Feel?" given by Kyel Turver. Music by Cecilia Archuleta, violin; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on August 13, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Nature as Witness, Healer and Friend" given by Sunny McMillan. Music by Cally Lindenmier, mezzo soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Chalice Camp Worship at University Unitarian Church July 30, 2023
This Week:
Chalice Camp worship with silly songs, stories and skits from campers led by Aria Curtis, Director of Religious Education. Music by Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church July 23, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Camp Blue Boat," by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by Holly Eckert, violin; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church July 16, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Something Judges Us, Something Accepts Us" by Rev. Bruce Bode. Music by Ian Loney, tenor and Roger Nelson, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church July 9, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Towards a Deeper Belonging" by Rev. Bruce Davis. Music by Camille Watson, soprano and Roger Nelson, piano.
Please note that technical difficulties with camera control begin at 28:58 and continue throughout the remainder of the service. Sermon resumes at around 30:40, and audio continues after that point. Video is restored around 34:08.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on July 2, 2023
This week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church including sermon "Schooling like Dolphins: Community as a Unit of Life" by Rev. Victoria Poling. Music by Kate Bysheim, soprano and Roger Nelson, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on June 18, 2023
This week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "The Long Road to Freedom" by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by Susan Telford, flute and Dwight Beckmeyer, harpsichord and piano.
Annual Meeting Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church June 11, 2023
This week:
Annual meeting service led by Rev. Jon Luopa, including volunteer recognition. Music by Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
11:15am Flower Communion Worship at University Unitarian Church on June 4, 2023
This week:
Flower Communion Service led by Rev. Jon Luopa and Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Joseph Finkle; Bell Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Child Dedications: Alice Gould
Bridging Ceremony: Rose Prevo, Claire Renschler
9:30am Flower Communion Worship at University Unitarian Church on June 4, 2023
This week:
Flower Communion Service led by Rev. Jon Luopa and Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Joseph Finkle; Bell Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Child Dedications: Sophie Bianamara, Penelope Bianamara, Felix Ebenshade, Ian Honker, Ewan Mehravari-Gorton, Koa Ogren, Sage Ogren and Robin Weaver.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on May 28, 2023
This Week:
Tent City 3 service led by Rev. Beth Chronister. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Camille Watson, soprano; and Roger Nelson, piano.
Coming of Age Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on May 21, 2023
This Week:
Coming of Age service led by Aria Curtis, Director of Religious Education. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Joseph Finkle; Dwight Beckmeyer, piano; Ivan Levy, trumpet; and Kyle Turver, guitar and song.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on May 14, 2023
This week:
Second Sunday worship with offering plate collected for Wa Na Wari. Rev. Jon Luopa will lead the service. Music by the Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Roger Nelson, piano.
Music Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on May 7, 2023
This week:
Music Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church with homily by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, Bell Choir, All Voices Choir and invited orchestra, led by Karen Thomas.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church April 30, 2023
This week:
All Ages worship at University Unitarian Church led by Rev. Beth Chronister, Aria Curtis, Director of Religious Education, and Margaret Sutro. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Callie Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on April 23, 2023
This week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including the sermon "Being Accountable?" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on April 16, 2023
This week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church featuring sermon "Rising: Building Love and Liberatory Power" by Chris Crass. Music by the All Voices Choir, led by Jacob Finkle; Callie Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on April 9, 2023
This week:
Easter Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, featuring sermon "The Beginning of Human Adequacy" by Rev. Jon Luopa. Music by the Bell Choir and Loft Choir, led by Karen Thomas; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on March 19, 2023
This Week:
All Ages Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church. Rev. Beth Chronister and Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministries, will lead the service. Children’s book author, Tonya Lippert, will read.
Anti-Racism Discernment Service at University Unitarian Church on Sunday, March 14, 2023
This Week:
Anti-Racism Discernment Team Service. Rev. Beth Chronister will lead the service. Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on March 5, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon, “The Courage to Hope,” delivered by Rev. Jon Luopa.
2023 Mid Year Congregational Town Hall Meeting
Our mid-year congregational town hall meeting is a chance to learn about the state of UUC, as we pause to both reflect on what has happened so far in this church year and look forward. Emerging from a long period of disruption, we have strength, resilience, and much to be grateful for. All of which we will serve us well as we face new opportunities and challenges-such as how we do church and foster deep connections in a dual platform world, and how we will wrap up the capital campaign and pay down the remaining debt on our beautiful building. This meeting will offer a window into important aspects of UUC’s health, progress and report-outs on key initiatives, and what we see on the road ahead.
2023 Fleagle Lecture Workshop with Rex Hohlbein
We invited Rex Hohlbein to speak at UUC as part of our preparations to host Tent City 3 this spring. Rex has been connected to Tent City 3 for many years and lived within that community for a month as part of his own education when he started Facing Homelessness. He returned to Tent City 3 in early January of this year to meet and interview some of the current participants there in anticipation of bringing some of their stories to UUC.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on February 19, 2023
This Week:
Sunday worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon "Homelessness, Ethics, and Social Action," delivered by Rex Hohlbein.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church February 12, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including homilies delivered by Amanda Mack, Allen Van Eaton, Ivan Levy, and Mira Van Eaton.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on February 5, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church including the sermon, "The Art of Becoming," delivered by Rev. Beth Chronister.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church January 29, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church including sermon, "Becoming Unafraid of Being Afraid," delivered by Rev. Jon Luopa.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 22, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon, "Encountering God," delivered by Rev. Jon Luopa.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 15, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including homilies delivered by Aria Curtis and Rev. Beth Chronister.
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church on January 8, 2023
This Week:
Sunday Worship at University Unitarian Church, including sermon, "The Call of Higher Mysterious Entities," delivered by Rev. Jon Luopa.
More worship videos are available by request from the church office.