February 28, 2025
2/20/25 Dear Members and Friends of University Unitarian Church, Nine years ago this week, I flew from Denver to Seattle to interview for the Assistant Minister position at the University Unitarian Church. It was a position I had dreamed of during seminary, but did not know was possible. A role which combined my callings to justice, transformation, community building, and pastoral care. That week, I met with Rev. Jon and the members of the assistant ministry search team; Rochelle Coffey, Anne Eaker, and Rev. Linda Kaufman. We sat in a room in the old church building and shared our stories and hopes with one another. I had spent very little time in Seattle before this visit and I marveled at how green everything was, even at the end of February. By the end of that visit, Rev. Jon invited me to join the staff of UUC. In gratitude and anticipation, I said, “yes!” Thus beginning what became a shared story of ministers and congregation, journeying together through incredible transformations, joy, and challenges, both anticipated and unforeseen. What an impactful time it has been. I write to you now to announce a turning of a season of my life, and by extension, in the life of the congregation. I have accepted a position within Common Power, where I will be working with David Domke to amplify and support the organization's fundraising and development efforts. Common Power’s (CP) mission is to foster, support, and amplify a democracy that is just and inclusive through civic education, developing young diverse leaders, building last community, and voter engagement all over the country. Our two organizations have partnered in a number of ways over the past several years. Many UUC members have traveled to other states to knock doors with Common Power. Last year, Professor David Domke and Executive Director Charles Douglas III visited UUC to deliver the annual Fleagle Lecture, which led to a group of UUC members traveling to Georgia and Alabama on a Truth and Purpose Tour. There has been so much synergy between our organizations in large part because UUC and CP are so aligned in vision and commitment. For this reason and many others, this transition feels like a continuation of my calling and an extension of the work we have done as a faith community. It was not easy to make this decision. The last 9 years of journeying together have been full of meaning, growth, and the power of living our values, earnestly and imperfectly, within our community and in the wider world. It has been such an incredible privilege to work with the members and staff, and to have the opportunity to create worship, strengthen the community, and form justice partnerships in response to such extraordinary times. I have learned from you and loved you. As I prepare to transition from UUC, please know how much I will carry our time together in my heart. I so believe in this religious community and have faith in the possibilities that lie before you. With so many other staff positions in flux, UUC is in (yet another!) time of transition. It is not yet known how the staff will be best configured to partner with the members in leading through this transitional time. However, in the month of March, there will be interim conversations on UUC’s mission, as well as the 2025 “Blessing Our Becoming” pledge drive. I encourage you to show up with a generous and discerning heart to both the pledge drive and the on-going conversations about UUC’s shared future. The church as an institution has always been more than the ministers, or even the tradition. The church is a complex, living, interdependent web of people, values, relationships, mission, vision, generosity, memory and hope. Now is a time to lean in and help this community emerge into your next chapter. Over the next couple of months, I will be primarily focused on transitioning from my role and preparing to hand over my responsibilities to those who will carry forward the Justice and Care programs. Rather than taking on new projects, we will do the important work of ending well and saying good-bye and thank you. Though I will be staying in Seattle in my new position at Common Power, after I finish at UUC this spring, I will take at least a full year from UUC to honor the space needed for transition as is customary. I invite you to join Rev. Doug, Aria and myself on April 27th at the All Ages service where we will be celebrating our time together in both services and in a reception to follow. In covenant, Rev. Beth Chronister Minister of Justice and Care