Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
The detailed materials on items of business for the 2024 Annual Meeting (including the proposed agenda) are now available online. Members who will be attending the meeting either in person or on Zoom are encouraged to review the agenda and supporting information prior to the meeting on June 9 at 10:30 a.m.
Members may attend in person in the chapel at UUC, or they may register to participate in the meeting on Zoom. Those participating on Zoom will be able to vote in the annual meeting through the polling feature. Only one vote per poll is allowed for each Zoom connection to the meeting. For two people in the same household to vote, each will need to join the meeting on separate devices, or one of them will need to vote absentee while the other votes through a shared device.
Members who will not be able to join the Zoom Webinar (those who cannot participate in Zoom or are unavailable on June 9) are encouraged to use an absentee ballot to vote on business items before the meeting. Absentee ballots are available here and can be submitted in print or emailed to to be tallied prior to the meeting.
Those who vote absentee or those who are not eligible to vote may choose to view the livestream of the meeting as an observer. Note that members who register for the Zoom meeting but who choose to submit an absentee ballot will have their absentee ballot invalidated so they may vote in Zoom.
If you have any questions about the meeting materials or the absentee voting process, please contact Byron Krystad at 206-454-7723 or"
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