Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
University Unitarian Church offers three services in recognition of Christmas and the holiday season that are special occasions for adults and children:
We offer two child dedication ceremonies during the church year, at the Family Holiday Service in December, and at Flower Communion Sunday in June. This is a lovely ceremony to welcome your child into the church community. Traditionally this ceremony is done with little ones, but we welcome children up to age 18 to be dedicated.
Everyone brings a flower to share. We also honor our high school graduates, and dedicate babies and children. It’s a busy and fun-filled service that marks the end of our regular church year. It occurs on the last two-service Sunday before summer, usually the first Sunday in June.
Our annual bridging ceremony, at Flower Communion Sunday in June, celebrates our high school seniors as they “bridge” from youth to young adulthood.
The second Sunday in June embraces the slower pace of summer. At 10:00, we have a short Sunday service, celebrating church volunteers and honoring all members, whether new or long-time, and recalling our community’s covenant of care, commitment, and leadership. At 10:30 we convene our Annual Meeting, during which members will adopt the budget, elect nominees to the Board, Moderator, and to consider any other matters of congregational interest. All are invited. Voting is limited to members of record.