Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
The music program at University Unitarian Church has a long history of excellence. Not surprisingly, the congregation views high-quality music as an important part of worship. The music contributes to the themes of the worship services and helps to set or reinforce the emotional subtext.
The UUC music program offers opportunities for singers and instrumentalists of different types and levels of proficiency. We have our Loft Choir which performs at most services, the All Voices Choir of children and adults, and the Handbell Choir, as well as opportunities for vocal and/or instrumental soloists or small ensembles. For general information or questions regarding the Music Program, please email Karen Thomas or call 206-454-7717.
Please note that our choirs are on their traditional summer hiatus June through August.
The Loft Choir performs pieces from a vast repertoire of classical and world choral compositions. The choir brings to life 1000 years of choral music from dozens of countries, languages, and traditions.
The Loft Choir prepares anthems and service music, and sings at services from September through early June. They perform two major works with orchestra each year, on Sundays in November and May.
Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:15–9:15 p.m., and Sunday mornings from 8:30–9:10 a.m. Loft Choir members must have previous choral or instrumental experience and basic music-reading skills. Contact Karen P. Thomas, Director, for further information or to arrange an audition.
The All Voices Choir is UUC’s non-audition choir, open to all who like to sing. All ages are welcome, even if you’re new to singing with a group in multi-part harmonies. Learning is part of the experience. We rehearse every Monday evening from 7–8 p.m. and usually sing for and with the congregation on third Sundays during both services, though these dates sometimes vary. We also sing for some special Sunday services and events, including Flower Communion Sunday (on June 4 this year).
Child care during rehearsals may be available at the church if arranged in advance. We take summers off, though choir members sometimes arrange to get together for a picnic, potluck, and informal sing-along. For more information, come join us any Monday or contact Jacob Finkle, Director, at
Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7:00–8:00 p.m.
Contact Jacob Finkle, All Voices Choir Director
The Handbell Choir plays for services once or twice a month, playing over three-and-a-half-octaves of English handbells. Compositions range from early music to 21st century pieces.
Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 6:00–7:15 p.m. Members must have basic music-reading skills and good coordination, but handbell experience is not necessary.
Contact Karen P. Thomas, UUC Music Director
Twice yearly, in November and May, our Music program presents a large choral work with orchestra, the loft choir, and guest musicians. Watch bulletins and announcements from the church during the year for details.
Sunday, November 10, at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. services
All are welcome to attend Music Sunday. Invite your friends. You'll want to arrive early for a good seat. If you are able, this is definitely a Sunday to attend the service in person, although the livestream will also be available, as usual.
For 50 years, more than 400 singers and instrumentalists have performed Handel’s entire oratorio, all choruses and solos, every December 26th at University Unitarian Church. Under the baton of Conductor Karen P. Thomas, this beloved annual community event has drawn musicians from around the area and from a wide range of spiritual traditions.
Covid has put this event on pause since 2020, and it is not being held this year (2024).