Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
At UUC we seek to partner with parents in their family's faith development, as well as support parents' own spiritual exploration and community building. Please refer to the Gateway and Family Ministry or Youth Ministry newsletters for other events or programs for parents at UUC.
Dads of young children are invited to join this informal group for conversation and support! This group meets every other Tuesday from 8:00-9:00 pm in the Dix Room (the one across from the bathrooms, downstairs, with the couch and bookshelves) and are open to drop-in attendance.
Upcoming gatherings are on Sept. 3, Sept. 17, Oct. 1, Oct. 15, Oct. 29, Nov. 12, Nov. 26, & Dec. 10.
For more information and to get connected to the Dads Group, please
contact Director of Family Ministry, Aria Curtis.
As described in our 2021-2022 covenant, this group gathers "in the spirit of joy and faith, in an effort to explore ways we might build a world of liberation, free from oppression, with the children in our care." Led by Aria Curtis, Roberta Ray, and Rev. Justin Almeida, the Antiracism Parent Group meets both in person and on Zoom to support one another as we "seek to understand how the systems of oppression in which we were raised live out in us and how we choose differently in our lives and in the lives of our children." For more information about the Antiracism Parent Group, please contact Aria Curtis.
All Our Whole Lives groups at UUC include opportunities for parent support and connection through concurrent meetings or groups. Facilitators use the curriculum “Parents and Caregivers As Sexuality Educators” as the guide for these meetings, in which adults explore their roles as the most important sexuality educators their children will have. As the curriculum states,
“The information and attitudes that adults share with their children—intentionally or by default—carry extraordinary power. Many adults struggle to wield this power effectively and confidently. Often, their own experiences, perspectives, and worries get in the way. These sessions invite parents and caregivers to find support and courage with one another.”
Details about these parent gatherings will be available to families who register for Our Whole Lives.
Parents of children ages 6 mos through 5th grades are invited to drop their kiddos off for an evening of creative fun and enjoy a night to themselves! Programming for young children will include free-play, an art or science-related activity, and a children’s movie. Dinner will be provided.