Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Tent City 3 (TC3) will end their 3-month stay with us at UUC on Saturday, June 17, when they will load up pallets, tents and all the rest of the stuff that makes up their physical infrastructure. Once again they will welcome (and need) our help, this time loading in the UUC parking lot and unloading at St. Mark's Cathedral on Capitol Hill, their home for the next three months. Work will take place at UUC between about 8:30 a.m. and noon with most work shifting to St. Mark's by early afternoon.
Some of the move tasks involve heavy lifting, but lighter work is also available. (For the move in, volunteers included 70+ year old UUC congregants, including small, but fit women.) You do not need to sign up in advance to assist with the move. Stop by as you are able, for however much time you have available.
If, on a busy Memorial Day weekend, you were not able to make it to church last week, do take the time to watch the recorded service. Instead of a conventional sermon, you will hear four current or former members of the TC3 Executive Committee, each with a unique story about their journey to TC3, engage in conversation with Rev. Beth Chronister, thoughtfully answering her equally thoughtful questions.
The Tent City 3 Team invites you to help us reflect on our experience hosting TC3. As a first step, please take time to fill out this short questionnaire. It will be open through the end of June, but if you are able to complete it by June 8, please do. The TC3 Team will be meeting with our ministers and family ministry leader, as well as active leaders and volunteers involved in the hosting effort.
From the UUC TC3 Team
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