Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
The Care Shawls Knit & Crochet group makes shawls to be given by the Care Team to someone in our community in need of comfort. We have been meeting once a month (on the third Sunday).
Our group's email list is large but generally we are very few at our meetings (two or three lately). Our change to a hybrid format (in-person and via Zoom) last year worked well technically but did not increase our numbers. However, the Care Team continues to appreciate having our shawls to distribute and for now at least a sufficient number continue to be donated. Perhaps people prefer to do the craft on their own without the social component?
Please let us know if you see yourself joining in the shawls group meetings this summer or in the fall. We would like to hear from both people who have been involved in the group, and from those who have not but are interested. (If we meet this summer, the meeting dates would be: June 18, July 16 and August 20.)
Let us know your thoughts: Do you want to keep meeting (this summer? in the fall?) Do you want to continue knitting/crocheting for the Care Team but not have meetings? Do you not see yourself either meeting or knitting/crocheting for the foreseeable future? All thoughts are welcome.
Leah Evison
(Find Leah's contact info in the
UUC Connect Directory)
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