Why Engage in Social Justice Activities Through Church?

Next Social Justice Jam on Wednesday, November 1 at 6:15 p.m. in Nathan Johnson Hall

Social justice work can be pursued in secular contexts through a wide range of community and civic organizations. So why do many UUC congregants choose to engage in social justice efforts through UUC? Answers to that question were offered at the first Social Justice Jam of the church year on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

With a mix of long-time UUC social justice advocates and newer faces, Social Justice Jam participants “broke bread” together, enjoying soup, salad and other yummies while getting to know one another and deepening existing connections. In groups of three and then with everyone, participants shared their thoughts on questions posed by Rev. Beth: 

  • What makes your heart break?
  • What makes your heart sing?
  • Why and how is justice, social action, or service part of your spirituality? 
  • What are your dreams for UUC’s Social Justice Ministry? 

Among the dreams:

  • “A social justice program that supports compelling activities and engages in them so joyfully that every church member wants to participate in at least one.”
  • “UUC is known as the church community in our region where trans kids & their families know they can belong and thrive.”
  • “The efforts of social justice activists at UUC are encouraged by mutual appreciation of the intersectionality of our concerns.”
  • “Revolutionary love.”

Rev. Beth invited reflection on the role of prayer—however defined—as spiritual practice, both personal and public, in social justice work. That question generated observations on the ways that rooting social justice work in a religious context can help us stay engaged through the inevitable lows and disappointments over the long arc of the work. By doing the work in church and engaging in spiritual practices such as prayer, we attend to our own needs for support, both individually and as a community, and thereby help avoid “burnout.” In addition, prayer can provide a shared point of connection as we with work with social justice groups from other faith communities.

The Social Justice Steering Committee invites you to the next Social Justice Jam on November 1, for a joyful mix of song, spiritual practice, and reflection. We will learn about the "organizing cycle" with Joey Lopez and E.N. West (goes by “E”) from the Church Council of Greater Seattle.

~ UUC's Social Justice Steering Committee

Posted/updated on:

October 19, 2023
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