All in the Family: From Kathy Slattengren

My husband, Brent Slattengren, died on July 26. Since we left the church a few years ago, I have been slow in contacting you. However, we truly enjoyed the 30 years we were members of UUC. Brent especially loved teaching the kids. He often stopped by Top Pot donuts to make sure the kids had some happy food along with the weekly lesson.


Brent was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in May 2023 and died from cardiac arrest at home on July 26, 2023. He had started drug treatment and should have had at least another 4-5 years so it certainly was a shock. There was a Celebration of Life service in Woodinville on August 12.  Here is a video of his service in case anyone is interested: Brent's Celebration of Life.

Posted/updated on:

October 30, 2023
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