Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Learn about Unitarian Universalism and University Unitarian Church (UUC) through this introductory course, offered several times a year. This one is scheduled as a two-part course on Saturdays April 22 and 29 from 10:00-12:30. Coffee, tea, and morning refreshments will be provided.
Please register in advance and plan to attend both sessions. The class includes a mix of reading, video, discussion, reflection, sharing, and Q&A with church leaders.
Classes are open to anyone who would like to meet others and learn more about the church and UU. On-site childcare may be available if reserved by Tuesday, April 18.
We will consider Unitarian Universalist history and theology, and the specific history of University Unitarian Church. Participants will also meet leaders involved in some of UUC’s core ministries, such as Social Justice, Care Team, Family Ministry, Stewardship and the Board of Trustees. This course fulfills the education requirement to become a member of UUC, and invites (but does not require) participants to join the church whenever they are ready. Janine Larsen, UUC Director of Ministries, will facilitate, along with invited guests.
Registration is open now in UUC Connect. Click here to learn more or to register.
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