TC3 Is Returning and We Need Volunteers

Dear Beloved Community,

As most of you know, Tent City 3 (TC3) will soon be returning to UUC, beginning March 22 and ending July 26. As we did two years ago, we will provide some space in our parking lot, as well as electricity and water for the country’s longest running self-governed and city-sanctioned camp for unhoused people. We also will have the opportunity to be in solidarity with them.

You may recall that TC3 is quite different from random homeless camps. To begin, it has strict rules of conduct, including no drugs or violence. Members are required to participate in leadership, security, cleanup, donation collection or other aspects of community life. Rule-breakers are asked to leave.

In 2023, our church community responded lovingly, with more than 100 congregants volunteering in multiple ways. We are again seeking volunteers.

Here are some ways to help:

The Move

We will need bodies to help TC3 pack and shut down its current camp at UW early on March 22, and also help them unpack and set up midday at UUC. This is physical labor that includes unloading or installing pallet boards, removing or hammering nails, schlepping boxes, and more (including lighter duty tasks). If interested, contact PamSmithMentz.

Lunch on Moving Day

We plan to provide sack lunches for resettling TC3 residents as they arrive at UUC on March 22. Volunteers are needed to purchase and drop off sandwich makings, fruit, beverages, chips, and cookies. Others are needed to make sandwiches and pack lunch bags. If interested, sign up here:


Weekly Dinners

Just as we did in 2023, we again will be hosting supper each week for TC3 residents. This is a wonderful way to welcome our neighbors. But success will depend on lots of volunteers: preparing and bringing food to Nathan Johnson Hall; helping set up and serve; welcoming our guests; and helping clean up after. If interested or just curious, contact Allie Harris.



We may need ambassadors to guide congregants to off-site places to park, at least for the first Sunday (March 23) and perhaps the second (March 30). If interested, contact Cynthia Salzman.



TC3 needs different items at different times. After the camp is settled at UUC (maybe late March or early April?), you might check the Share/Wheel website to determine outstanding needs.


What else?

We obviously haven’t thought of everything. Feel free to suggest another way to help by contacting us at


Thank you,


~UUC Tent City 3 Team

Posted/updated on:

March 4, 2025
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