There’s Still Time to Contribute to Our February Second Sunday Plate

February’s Second Sunday Plate Collection benefits SHARE/WHEEL. Your generosity funds UUC’s partnership with SHARE/WHEEL, established when UUC first hosted Tent City 3. Last Sunday, the UUC Youth led our service and chose SHARE/WHEEL as the recipient of our collection plate to fit the theme of their service: finding stability in unstable times. 


SHARE/WHEEL sponsors 15 shelters, along with both Tent City 3 and Tent City 4—communities that enable participants to experience self-empowerment and a sense of hope at a critical time in their lives. Mira Van Eaton, one of our UUC youth, described it well—the intentional community that organizations like SHARE/WHEEL provide is invaluable. Maybe the sense of safety and belonging is every bit as important as shelter.

If you have not yet contributed to UUC's Second Sunday Plate Collection to benefit SHARE/WHEEL, you can still do so through Sunday, February 23.

  • Give online: select “Offering Plate” from the drop-down menu and enter “February Plate” in the memo line. 

  • Drop off a check in the UUC office, made out to UUC with a memo note "SHARE/WHEEL February Plate."

Posted/updated on:

February 21, 2025
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