Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
UUC’s Faith Land Initiative (FLI) cohort team has started mapping out a process for the congregation to discern how we might share our resources to benefit the community.
We are excited to provide information about the FLI process and how we can all contribute as we proceed in our learning. Join us Sunday, February 23, between first and second service in the Knatvold Room for a brief update and information about how you can become involved.
The FLI tools are helping the team to plan how to broaden our workgroup, how to best involve the wider congregation in discussing ideas, how to center values in our discernment, and how to learn from those in our neighborhood and beyond about existing and/or anticipated needs in our community.
For UUC, the Faith Land Initiative process is intended to be synergistic with and supportive of our interim ministry work. The team anticipates offering opportunities for congregants to share ideas in venues and ways that benefit the FLI process and interim discernment process at the same time.
Work through June will include conducting learning sessions with our church and external communities, refining criteria for screening future action options and drafting a short- mid- and long-term plan.
Many congregants have expressed a desire for UUC to use our extra capacity for the benefit of the community. FLI, an established program offered by the Church Council of Greater Seattle, offers cohort teams a process and tools to use to lead a discernment process that aligns with congregational values, interests, and processes.
If you can’t join us February 23 and have any questions or would like to share any input relating to this process, please contact Patricia Graesser, Gayle Childers or Dave Mentz.
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