Board Listening Sessions: Minister Emeritus

Sunday, March 9, 10:30–11:15 a.m. in Knatvold

Sunday, March 16, 10:30–11:15 a.m. in Knatvold

Sunday, March 23, 12:45–2 p.m. in Knatvold

During our June 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting, the Board of Trustees agreed to follow UUA guidance regarding pursuit of Minister Emeritus status for Rev. Jon Luopa. The Board would like to hear your views on this matter, so we will be hosting listening sessions on the next three Sundays. These sessions will allow you an opportunity to comment and listen to others’ comments. 

If you are not able to attend one of these sessions, we invite you to respond via our survey.

This input will help shape an overview summary laying out reasons for or against Emeritus status. The Board will provide the congregation that summary, and a proposed motion, in advance of the Annual Congregational Meeting in June 2025. This will be on the agenda for a congregational vote at that meeting. There was strong support expressed during our June 2024 congregational meeting, but we wanted to have a thoughtful process that fairly captures a full range of congregational views.

The Board looks forward to your participation in one of these listening sessions and/or the survey.

Posted/updated on:

March 14, 2025
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