Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
You're invited to the Church Council of Greater Seattle's 2025 Weaving Our Strengths on Saturday, March 8 at University Congregational United Church of Christ (4515 16th Ave NE).
Join justice-seeking, people of faith from around Seattle for a day of workshops and reflection on the community organizing principles and anti-racism values that ground us in transformational change for liberation and justice.
For UUC members in particular — Come learn more about the Faith Land Initiative that we are participating in this year and Crossroads Antiracism tools we are using to imagine our next steps towards Building Beloved Community within our congregation. Rev. Beth is a member of the board of Church Council and will be helping to facilitate some of the workshops.
Workshop Offerings:
Register here:
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