Youth Group: Climate CON Info Session

Sunday, September 15, 12:45 p.m. in Servetus

Youth in grades 9–12 and their parents and other curious UUC folks are invited

Youth Group engages in a wide range of activities throughout the church year. One of the most exciting things happening for youth this fall is that Youth Cons (conferences) are back! A major component of UU youth culture pre-pandemic, Youth Cons are weekend events where youth meet new people, play games, are silly, eat good food, learn new things from each other in workshops, maybe participate in a talent (or no-talent) show, have a candlelit worship at night where they can connect on a deeper level with their peers, often stay up super late (although they don’t have to), and generally make a little weekend long UUtopian society.

We are happy to announce that UUC is, in fact, hosting the next Youth Con here at UUC. Climate CONsciUUus, a climate justice-themed Youth Con, is happening October 11-13

Come learn more about what UUC’s High School Youth Group will be doing this year including: 

  • What happens at Youth Group? 
  • What is a Youth Con? Who can attend? What do people do there?
  • How to get involved with UUC’s Climate CON, October 11-13
  • Upcoming service projects
  • A 2024-2025 Youth Group calendar

We have a fabulous team of youth advisors this year led by Amanda Mack, Youth Ministry Coordinator, and including Colin DiNino Childers, Maddie Smith and Eileen Bianamara. We are an experienced team who are excited to work with our teens and our UUC community in the year to come!

Question? Contact Amanda Mack, UUC Youth Ministry Coordinator.

Posted/updated on:

September 12, 2024
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