Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
What an amazing summer we’ve had! As many of you know it was our Summer Camp Summer in the Family Ministry Office. We had a blast participating in Camp Blue Boat and with Chalice Camp. We got to play at the park, visit an urban farm, pull out the slip n’ slide, tie-dye camp shirts, and just generally have a great time. Now, we’re excited to turn toward the fall, get back into a routine, and re-engage with our regular programs.
The information below includes descriptions of our Sunday-morning programs, as well as information about registration and volunteering in Family Ministry. For detailed schedules and other more specific information, please sign up for the
Family Ministry or
Youth Ministry newsletters and keep an eye on the UUC website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
reach out.
Homecoming Sunday is always a morning of celebration. It’s when we welcome one another back from summer activities and rhythms and return to two Sunday morning worship services, at 9:30 and 11:15 am. This is also when our regular Family Ministry programs start back up again, including our small groups for elementary-age children, parent groups, and family events.
Children and teens in grades K-12 are invited to gather in Knatvold for a fun morning together! We’ll share some gathering rituals, including a water communion ceremony, and play some silly games. Everyone will get to contribute to decorations and art for their rooms, and choose from a variety of activities and crafts.
We ask families to fill out this registration form each year. This ensures we have up to date emergency and contact information, as well as important information about allergies and food restrictions. It also helps us plan appropriately sized programs and events.
In this form, you can indicate which groups (Roots, World Religions, etc) you anticipate your child will participate in on Sundays.
Please note that there are some additional forms for Our Whole Lives and Coming of Age, which families will receive at information meetings for these programs.
Generally speaking there are no fees associated with Family Ministry or for our religious education classes, the exception being Coming of Age. The registration fee for Coming of Age is a pay-what-you-can, sliding scale of up to $200 and helps to cover the cost of some specialized materials and events.
For questions about this form or any of the above,
please contact Director of Family Ministry, Aria Curtis.
We are excited to offer a wide range of opportunities for children, youth, and families to engage in meaning-making and religious exploration. Please read below for descriptions of just some of what you can expect this fall. Other opportunities for community building and faith development this year will include things like the Dads Group, Elementary OWL for K-1st Grade, Faith in Action Days, and Parent Night Out events.
Quality and loving childcare provided by our CPR and First Aid trained Childcare Staff in our Bridges Room during both the 9:30 and 11:15 services. Young children begin to experience some of our core Unitarian Universalist rituals through snack time, stories, music, and play. Sprouts care is available for both services beginning on September 8.
Through story and play, children at UUC explore our Unitarian Universalist values and what it means to live out those values in daily lives. In a small group setting and 3–4 week modules, children dive deep into topics like invitation, repair, trust, inclusion, and joy. They experience important rituals, sing together, and have fun with all sorts of games and activities. While each of the groups listed below follows the same general program plan, the details of their session plans will differ slightly based on age.
(Click image above to enlarge)
Our young teens learn about Unitarian Universalism and about other faith traditions. Youth learn about the important theological questions explored in all faith traditions, develop their ability to see from a range of perspectives, and cultivate interfaith connection. Chaperoned field trips to visit our neighbors in faith provide a meaningful foundation for creative activities, readings, videos and discussion throughout the year.
Meeting times for Jr. High OWL are yet to be determined. Families who anticipate that their teen will participate in OWL, should still register now, to ensure they are kept up to date.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive sexuality education program designed to help participants gain the knowledge, values and skills to lead sexually healthy, responsible lives. In this OWL class, youth explore many topics, such as anatomy and physiology, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, dating, pregnancy, contraception, and sexual decision making. (This program requires advance registration.)
Coming of Age is a rite of passage experience where participants explore their personal and spiritual beliefs. At the beginning of the year, Coming of Age teens are paired with an adult mentor from the congregation, who offers a sense of guidance and perspective. Together, mentors and mentees explore questions about god, identity, life after death, good and evil, justice-making, and personal purpose. The class works together on a service project and creates a worship service. Coming of Age culminates in a solo vigil and the development of a faith statement, which teens share with the congregation during a special service in May. Please note, Coming of Age requires prior registration and is not available for drop-in participation after October 15.
Community is vital to our youth and UUC is committed to providing them with opportunities to build strong connections by meeting them where they are at. In addition to our gatherings on Sunday mornings, UUC youth are encouraged to participate in:
September 22, October 20, November 17, December 15, January 26, February 9, March 16, April 27, May 18, & June 1.
We believe worship is an important part of community and faith development. Once a month, usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month, our entire church community gathers for a meaningful, vibrant, and engaging multi-age worship service. These services often include stories, embodied spiritual practice and ritual, and easy-to-sing music. We will begin on September 22 with a Blessing of the Backpacks ritual.
Sprouts Care is available as usual during All Ages worship services.
As always, if you have questions about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can’t wait for a fun fall with you all!
In joy and faith,
Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministry
Amanda Mack, Youth Ministry Coordinator
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