Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
On December 4, we will continue our Constitution series with a session on Thomas Paine, which Jeanette Merki will lead. Thomas Paine was a truly radical Founding Father of America, a man who is largely forgotten and greatly misunderstood. Yet his ideas on democracy, equality, slavery, and many rights of citizens would have created a very different kind of world had they been acted on. We'll discuss his life and his writings. You'll be amazed how many of his values match those espoused by present day Unitarian Universalists.
Save December 18 for a potluck and holiday cheer. Bring your favorite dish and sample those of others. There will be no meeting on January 1, and the Constitution series will continue on January 15. In February, we will be starting the Great Decision series from the Foreign Policy Association. Booklets are available from for pre-order, to be mailed in early January. Here’s the exact FPA link with a list of the eight topics and booklet ordering information.
All are welcome to join the Wednesday Forum, which meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. If you are not already on the Forum list and would like to be, to receive the Zoom link and regular notices, please contact the UUC office at or (206) 525-8400.
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