Transition Team Begins Its Work

With the retirement of the Rev. Jon Luopa this past June, and the arrival of Rev. Doug Wadkins in August as our two-year Interim Minister, we have begun a new phase for our church. As part of this process, the Board of Trustees has appointed a Transition Team of church members to be of assistance and support to Rev. Wadkins and the congregation as we move into a time of exploration of our future.

The next two years will involve significant discussion, both structured and informal, among our members to surface our hopes and expectations for future as a congregation, a community and an institution. Some aspects of our church life may change, some may remain the same. It is a time of reflection. This reflection and its outcomes will create a variety of feelings: joy, anticipation, and perhaps some grief as we move from known ways. The members of the Transition Team will be available to listen to your comments and concerns along the way, and to provide information as we move ahead. 

The members of the Transition Team are: Kathleen Cromp, Rich Brooks, Dave Mentz, Eileen Bianamara, Michael Linenberger, Rosemary Daszkiewicz, and Maddie Smith. Once again, we will be working closely with Rev. Doug Wadkins in this time of listening and discernment to find and understand hopes and dreams that arise among us. We look forward to working with you.

Posted/updated on:

October 8, 2024
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