Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Kyle Turver will lead the services. Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Kyle is also offering a gathering after the second service, downstairs in the Emerson room, for any who want to discuss his sermon further.
Kyle Turver is a Spiritual Care Clinician at Fred Hutch Cancer Center and UW Medical Center (Montlake). In addition, he is weeks away from finishing his final two seminary classes! In fact, this sermon is one he wrote for the UU theology class he is currently taking. Kyle loves the work of serving the emotional and spiritual needs of people in socially and spiritually diverse contexts. In this, he prioritizes a ministry of presence and listening. He sees himself as a musician, theologian, creative, and lover of the human family. His creativity has helped him find a fluid sense of faith, where change and opposing perspectives are celebrated. During his first fifteen years of ministry, Kyle served as a Music & Worship Director. Kyle is the proud father of three amazing, active kids and is married to Jess, who serves as a nurse at Fred Hutch Cancer Center.
Sunday worship at UUC includes music, reflection, sermon, and connection, with informal Coffee & Conversations afterwards in Nathan Johnson Hall. UUC Worship Services are also live streamed and available for later viewing.
Click here for information on Sunday programs for children and youth.
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