Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Many people are feeling the rising anxiety of the coming election. In times of communal stress, it can be a salve to come together to breathe, sing, move, and not feel so alone in our worry. Join Revs. Doug and Beth for an evening of Spiritual Practice and Community that we may ground together in these final weeks. Whatever is ahead, this community will be here to both inspire action and nurture hope. Please welcome any friends who might benefit from such a gathering.
Childcare will be provided. Please contact Aria Curtis.
“Don’t leave your broken heart at the door” by Rev. Angela Herrera
Don’t leave your broken heart at the door;
Bring it to the altar of life.
Don’t leave your anger behind;
it has high standards and the world needs vision.
Bring them with you;
and your joy
and your passion.
Bring your loving,
and your courage
and your conviction.
Bring your need for healing,
and your powers to heal.
There is work to do
and you have all that you need to do it right here in this room.
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