Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
UUC’s Second Sunday Plate collections serve as a direct expression of our faith through justice and service work. This month's Second Sunday Plate will go to the United Indians of All Tribes Foundation (UIATF). Founded in 1970, United Indians, based at the Daybreak Star Indian Culture Center in Seattle’s Discovery Park, provides a broad range of culturally responsive services and programming to Seattle and King County’s urban Native community.
Scott Pinkham, UIATF’s Equity Programs Manager/Family Services Programs, will be joining us on May 12. Among Scott's responsibilities is managing the organization’s partnership with Sound Alliance, an organization composed of faith, labor, health education, and community organizations. UUC has been a member of Sound Alliance since 2008.
United Indians worked with other Native organizations to develop the Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization training program hosted by Sound Alliance. One of the goals of this program is to be a community organizing effort towards creating enduring relationships and solidarity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
Jewels Mellen was among several UUC members that participated in this program in February and March of this year, with Scott Pinkham as one of the facilitators. Several other UUC members have participated in previous programs. "For me, the program was a powerful opportunity to engage in a process of learning, unlearning, and reflecting on the true Indigenous history of North America and its ongoing impact on Indigenous communities. The curriculum, facilitation, and thought-provoking, meaningful activities were outstanding. I encourage UUC members to participate in future programs and to support UIATF’s work through your donation to the May Second Sunday Plate."
You may add your donation to the plate at the Sunday morning service, donate online through UUC Connect (select Special Plate and specify May plate) or send your check to the UUC office, with the memo noted as 2nd Sunday Plate - May.
~Jewels Mellen on behalf of UUC's Acting for Racial Justice Team and Social Justice Steering Committee
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