Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
The UUC Nominating Committee is pleased to announce nominations for election to key leadership positions at UUC. For the Board of Trustees (three-year term): Alison McCormick and Nicholas Eddington. For Moderator (two-year term): Chuck Harwood. We are so grateful for the commitment to service that these individuals make as they stand for election. It is a gift to our beloved community today and well into the future.
Election for these positions will take place in connection with the online UUC Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 9, 2024. UUC’s Bylaws allow for alternative nomination by petition by 10 members in good standing. Any such nomination should be sent to Paula Nurius, Secretary of the Board, at no later than May 19.
Nicholas is a candidate for the church board and offers a fresh perspective and a commitment to promoting unity and progress within the congregation. Recently, he taught World Religions in our Family Ministry program, which he found fulfilling. He participated in the "Seminar: Thinking, Understanding, Believing" and found it to be a rewarding experience. Nicholas served in the U.S. Army for over five years and learned how to embody values such as discipline, teamwork, and adaptability. These qualities are essential for effective leadership in a church community. Nicholas believes the church should focus on Building Community, Interconnectedness, and Progressive Patriotism. He thinks that nurturing a sense of belonging and fostering strong bonds within the congregation are vital for spiritual growth and collective well-being. He also emphasizes the importance of responsibly embracing technological advancements to facilitate better communication and outreach efforts.
Note: As required by UUC’s Conflict of Interest Policy, Nominating Committee member Joplin Vaughan, who is the spouse of Nicholas Eddington, did not participate in gathering information or evaluating his statement of interest for Board nomination, nor did she attempt to influence any action taken, and she was not present at the meeting during discussion of and vote on the action. Because Nicholas Eddington was recommended by the Nominating Committee, this statement, identifying the potential conflict of interest and the steps taken to avoid any undue influence, is required to be distributed to church members in preparation for the election.
My name is Alison McCormick. My family and I have been members of the University Unitarian Church Community since 1992. We have been involved in various programs and events during the last three decades. A few highlights have been being married here, having both of my daughters dedicated, and singing with the Intergeneration Choir, especially at holiday times.
Professional and Personal Skills Set
Currently, I serve on UUC's Welcoming and Hospitality Committee. I have been on the coffee crew and an usher on Sunday mornings for four years. I have participated in various church courses and classes. I enjoy being in our Women’s Book Club. Occasionally, I have had the opportunity to learn and grow in my spirituality by participating in reflection groups. The most recent group was based on the book Revolutionary Love.
In addition to my many years of involvement at UUC, I have a professional skill set. I am a rehabilitation counselor by degree and have worked most of my career for people with disabilities. I have been the director of a local non-profit residential support program. I supervised a staff of fifteen and oversaw a budget of $550,000. I served as the director of two programs at Seattle Central College. One is a supported employment program that provides competitive employment for individuals with disabilities. I developed the second program: an academic support program that offers individualized services and accommodations for students with neurodiversity. I hired and supervised twelve rehabilitation support staff and administrative staff. I hired and supervised staff, overseeing an annual budget of nearly $1,000,000. I worked to diversify the budget with fund development and grants. On the administrative side, I ensured the programs adhered to national accreditation and state, county, and college standards.
Our focus was family life when we began attending the University Unitarian Church. As a biracial, lesbian family, it was important for our children to be included in a faith community affirming their family. It was important for the church school to grow a foundation of spirituality and global citizenship. Those two daughters are grown women on their life journeys. I am happily retired. I now have a chance to reciprocate all this community has meant to my family and myself. I want to do more on behalf of my church simply as an expression of my gratitude for it all.
I look forward to the opportunity to serve on our Board of Trustees. My professional and life skills enable me to contribute meaningfully to our community and the greater good. I am eager to explore the possibilities and make a positive impact during the upcoming term.
Previous Board Experience
Puget Sound Residential Services (Non-Profit)
Seattle Central College-Presidents’ Council
Local PTA officer
12-Step Recovery Service Committees
After attending the First Unitarian Church in Portland, where my parents were members, I drifted away during college. I resumed attending church in 2016 at UUC. In between, my wife Barbara and I raised two children in Seattle, dealt with the usual string of life events, and lived temporarily in Washington, D.C. We were in D.C. in connection with my career as a federal government attorney. After our D.C. sojourn, Barbara and I participated in UUC’s Exploring Membership classes. I later joined UUC. (Barbara listens patiently to my sermon and music reports after Sunday services.) Even when I was not attending a Unitarian church, I remained emotionally and intellectually attached to the church through its priorities, such as a dialogue of many faiths, cultures, and lifestyles, and its social and economic justice advocacy themes. Since joining UUC, I have participated in the Sunday Welcoming Team, particularly Coffee Crew, attended various classes, and aspired with occasional success to participate in other UUC activities. I mull over the insights or observations shared by our ministers and find our congregation’s dedication to community and service invigorating. Finally, I enjoy participating in our governance process, where respectfulness, thoughtfulness, and inclusiveness are the fundamental rules we follow.
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