Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Planning for the next year’s budget has begun. Your Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee, and Board gathered in early December to strategize collectively for the 2025–26 budget and fundraising efforts. Rev. Doug Wadkins and Byron Krystad also participated. This joint meeting is a first for the budget process. We focused on how to better coordinate our efforts and communicate with the congregation about UUC money matters.
Last year, we all felt the impacts of a budget shortfall and the difficult choices that followed—and we now have an excellent opportunity to respond thoughtfully and creatively. At the meeting, eighteen volunteer congregants and two staff leaders began exploring and talking about:
All in all, the meeting was a great first step in bringing together Finance, Stewardship, the Board and two members of our Executive Staff Team to help UUC respond best to the future. Questions? Katie Renschler and Kathleen Cromp can provide more insight.
Board of Trustees
Paula Nurius, President
Hugh Kimball, Vice President
Sooraj Kuttykrishnan, Secretary
Jim Thompson, Treasurer
Nicholas Eddington
Alison McCormick
Lora Poepping
Finance Committee
Rick Johnson, Chair
Kevin Clark
Michael Kasprzak
Stewardship Committee
Katie Renschler, Chair
Michelle Breaux
Kathleen Cromp
Sallie Dacey
Doug Graesser
Susan Hajek
Jan Hood
Leila Zelnick
Executive Staff Team Members
Rev. Doug Wadkins
Byron Krystad, Director of Operations
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