Dialogue Circles: Letter to the Congregation

Sunday, October 6, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. or 12:45–2:15 p.m. in Emerson

More Circles on Thursday, October 10, and Thursday, October 24 from 7–8:30 p.m. in the King room

At the beginning of the church year, a member of our congregation, Ali Masood, shared a letter about his experiences at UUC as a member of color. He wrote about the dominant culture of UUC, the ways that systems of racism and privilege show up in our midst, asking a number of questions about who we are called to be. You are invited to come to a Dialogue Circle to reflect on this letter, the questions it leaves you with, and how you feel called to respond. These groups will be facilitated by members of our social justice ministries. Individual responses will be confidential, though general themes will be noted as part of our larger discernment towards becoming a more anti-racist church. 

You can find a link to the letter, within a note from Revs. Doug and Beth at uuchurch.org/2024/pastoral-note-from-revs-beth-and-doug-sept.

Objectives for the Dialogue Circles

  • To invite participants into a gracious time and space to experience a constructive dialogue on the letter shared with the congregation.
  • To sit with and reflect on what the letter teaches us about UUC culture and who we are called to be as a people of faith.

Space is limited to 6–8 participants so that all may share.

The October 6 11 a.m. Dialogue Circle will be facilitated by Betty Williams and Debbie Maranville.

The October 6 12:45 p.m. Dialogue Circle will be facilitated by Meta Thayer and Roberta Ray.


Rev. Beth Chronister

(she, they)

Minister of Social Justice and Care

University Unitarian Church

Posted/updated on:

October 21, 2024
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