Best Wishes to UUC Custodian Alberto Sandoval

Sunday, December 29, following the 9:30 a.m. service, in NJH

Since 2010, our congregation has been quietly, caringly, and efficiently supported by Alberto Sandoval, our Saturday and Sunday morning custodian. He’s the one you’ve undoubtedly seen in Nathan Johnson Hall (NJH) keeping an eye out for a congregational need, a safety concern, or someone who seems a little lost or in need of a helping hand. Alberto is also the one who moves the tables, sets up the chairs, cleans the surfaces, and pays attention to the building’s needs on weekend mornings. He gets the kitchen ready for our Coffee Crew on Sundays and for special events, and is always ready with a big smile and a friendly word, particularly if someone greets him in Spanish, whether they are fluent or trying their best as a language learner. (Alberto is originally from El Salvador.)

Alberto has decided that after all these years at UUC and many years before that working seven days a week with more than one employer, he’s ready to have weekends off with his family on a regular basis. His last day at UUC will be Sunday, December 29.

We will miss Alberto dearly. And I know that we will also be very happy for him that he’ll have time to enjoy some downtime on Saturdays and Sundays. We’ll celebrate Alberto and wish him well over Coffee & Conversations (and some special treats in his honor!) on December 29 after the 9:30 a.m. service (our only service on that Sunday).

If you would like to bring a card with your own expression of thanks for his care for UUC (perhaps with a cash gift or a gift card tucked in it, if you’re so inclined), we will send him on his way with our love and gratitude. And if you’re not around for this send off on Sunday, December 29, you are welcome to bring your sealed cards for Alberto Sandoval any time, and we’ll see that they are delivered.

- Janine Larsen, UUC Acting Administrator 

Posted/updated on:

December 24, 2024
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