UU Wellspring: Article II

Four Sunday afternoons beginning January 21, 12:30–2 p.m. in the Emerson room; apply by January 18

Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws, Principles and Purposes, is the foundation for all the work of our UUA and its member congregations and covenanted communities. It is the covenant to which Unitarian Universalist congregations and covenanted communities pledge themselves when they become members of UUA. 


UUC will offer a 4-session short course developed by the UU Wellspring organizers for UUC members and friends who would like to reflect on the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws by exploring UU values through the lens and heart of your own spirit, inviting personal introspection on the question “What’s the meaning of this proposal?”


Limited to 10 participants, this curriculum provides for a small group to meet and share 90-minute sessions in person on Sunday afternoons: January 21, February 4, 11, and 18. (Note: If February 18 doesn’t work because of the holiday weekend, the group can look at alternative times for the final meeting.) We will meet from 12:30–2 p.m. downstairs in the Emerson room. Apply by January 18; you will be contacted by Friday, January 19, to let you know if you have been accepted to participate. There is a possibility that we will form another group in the spring if there is enough interest.


Responses to the application will help us form a group that shares a yearning for personal reflection and discernment around the proposed values. This is not an activity for those who wish to debate or edit the amendment or its particular language. UUC "members in good standing" who may be interested in serving as congregational delegates to the UUA General Assembly (which will be held entirely on-line on June 21 through 24, 2024) are particularly encouraged to apply. Co-facilitators for this short course are Betty Williams and Debbie Maranville


This program has been updated to include all amendments from the 2023 General Assembly. UU Wellspring organizers are monitoring any additional considerations that may be pertinent to this introspective program. 

Important:  The focus of this UU Wellspring program is specifically to engage personal reflection and discernment about the proposed values and updates to this section of the UUA bylaws. Those who wish to debate, edit, or give feedback on the amendment or its language should engage directly with the UUA by reviewing the final proposal and following the amendment process. The UUC Board of Trustees also invites discussion at their January 14 "Conversations with the Board."


  1. Covenant - Use the covenant section from the Proposed Article II to explore and live into.
  2. Purpose, Inspirations, Inclusion and Freedom of Belief - Focus on the sections before and after the values and covenant.
  3. Love - Explore the centering value in the proposed Article II.
  4. Six Values: Interdependence, Justice, Equity, Generosity, Pluralism, and Transformation - Connect with the values and their meaning in our lives and communities.


Click here for the application. If you don’t receive an immediate confirmation notice after submitting your application, please contact Janine Larsen, UUC Director of Ministries.

Posted/updated on:

January 18, 2024
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