Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Casserole cooks and treat makers, breakfast set-up and clean-up crews, credentialing clerks and voting tellers are all needed for the June 11 All-Church Breakfast and Annual Congregational Meeting.
The last time we held these events in person at UUC was 2018, before we moved to a temporary location while the building was remodeled, and before we had to leave again when the Covid pandemic sent us away again only a little more than three months back in.
If you’d like to help with the All-Church Breakfast, please contact Pat Rector, who is co-chairing this event with Jerry Gillmore. Let her know if you are interested in
If you’d like to help with the Annual Congregational Meeting, please contact Janine Larsen. Let her know if you’re interested in verifying members-in-good-standing and issuing voting cards, or if you’re willing to be a teller (counting and reporting votes).
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