Tent City 3: Offer Your Feedback and Lend a Hand with the Move

Your Feedback is Invited

The Tent City 3 (TC3) Team invites you to help us reflect on our experience hosting TC3. As a first step, please take time to fill out this short questionnaire. Your feedback is important as we reflect back.


Help Tent City 3 Move to St. Mark's on Saturday, June 17

Tent City 3 will end their stay with us next week. On Saturday, June 17, they will load up pallets, tents and all the rest of the stuff to move to St. Mark's Cathedral on Capitol Hill. Once again they welcome (and need) our help, this time loading in the UUC parking lot and unloading at St. Mark's Cathedral, their home for the next three months. (Click here for map and directions to St. Mark's.)

  • 8:30 a.m.–12 noon: Join volunteers at UUC for however much time you have available.
  • By early afternoon, most work will shift to St. Mark's. TC3 will make their new home in the parking lot behind the cathedral. There is plenty of room for volunteers to park in the lot on the north side. 

Some of the move tasks involve heavy lifting, but lighter work is also available. You do not need to sign up in advance to assist with the move. Stop by as you are able.

Posted/updated on:

June 16, 2023
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