Dialogue on Liberalism Continued

Thursday, May 25, 7–8:45 p.m. in the King room

Join UUC's 4th Principle Dialogue Group as we continue our discussion of what it means for UUC to be a “liberal” church. What is liberalism, and how does it relate to the UU community?

This session is our last for the church year. Drop-ins welcome.

We’ll discuss these sources (homework not required).


Liberalism”: The lead of the Wikipedia article is a good summary of liberalism. 


The VUU #185” (2017): In this video, UU leaders discuss liberalism for several minutes. The link starts you at 8:10, and the discussion lasts until 16:20. For a transcript, see this page. (2017)


We Need Liberal Social Justice, Not "Critical Social Justice”’: Readers in our first session said that they found this essay in particular to be thought-provoking. (2021)


Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America”: Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich spoke at General Assembly in 2004, and here is a written summary of what he said. The videos are optional. 


The future of liberal religion is multifaith”: A former UUA president on our connection to other religious liberals (2016).


The 4th Principle Dialogue Group promotes the “free & responsible search for truth & meaning,” pursuing the congregational goal of Connected Community. We get to know each other and connect to each other through meaningful, open-hearted dialogue. Drop-ins welcome. Homework not required. See more on UU Connect.

Posted/updated on:

May 24, 2023
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