Budget Town Hall

Thursday, May 25, 7–8 p.m. via Zoom

This online-only meeting will be a time for congregants to learn more about the proposed UUC operating budget for FY2023/24 and engage Q&A with the UUC Finance Team and staff. It is intended to provide the information and discussion necessary to an informed vote on budget adoption by members of the congregation at the UUC Annual Congregational Meeting on June 11

Watch for a blog post on May 23 on our website of final meeting materials with the proposed budget summary and description to be discussed at this meeting.

Zoom Links for UUC gatherings are password protected for security, and are not posted in public locations. Go to this post in UUC Connect or contact the church office well before the meeting date for assistance in accessing Zoom meetings.

Posted/updated on:

May 17, 2023
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