Interfaith Justice Team Meeting

Monday, November 27, 7–8:30 p.m. via Zoom

The monthly meeting for the Interfaith Justice Team will be online on Monday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Our primary focus for this meeting will be to discuss how we can best display our solidarity with our Muslim and Jewish neighbors, particularly amidst the heightening of antisemitism and Islamophobia since the flaring of the Israel/Palestine conflict in October. We'll also reflect on that conflict during our meeting. All are welcome to join us.


Zoom Links for UUC gatherings are password-protected for security, and are not posted in public locations. See this post in UUC Connect or email the church office for assistance in accessing Zoom meetings at UUC. You are also welcome to contact the Interfaith Justice Team’s chair, Dave Mentz.


The UUC Interfaith Justice Team partners with nearby faith communities to oppose anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other forms of religious intolerance through constructive collaboration and effective modes of ally-ship. Amidst the rise of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and religious intolerance in general, the Interfaith Justice Team covenants to partner with neighboring faith communities in order to build relationships, identify opportunities for deeper conversations, and position ourselves as allies and positive bystanders.

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November 27, 2023
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