Help Tent City 3 Move

Saturday, September 9, parking lot of St. Mark's Cathedral

Tent City 3 (TC3) will end their stay at St. Mark's Cathedral soon. On Saturday, September 9, they will pull up stakes, and load up pallets and tents at St. Mark's so they can move to their next home. Once again, they welcome (and need) help, this time loading in the St. Mark's parking lot.

  • 8:30 a.m.–12 noon  Join other volunteers from UUC. Arrive any time and stay for however much time you have available.
  • It is a good idea to bring work gloves, if you have them, and wear comfortable closed-toe shoes. 
  • By early afternoon, most of the work at St. Mark's will be done. TC3 hasn't announced yet where they will be moving, but that will be shared in the coming days. Your help unloading at the new site will be appreciated as well.
  • Some of the move tasks involve heavy lifting, but lighter work is also available. You do not need to sign up in advance to assist with the move. Stop by as you are able. Many hands make light work.

Since they have to move everything, this is not a good time to bring any donations you might have. They appreciate donations, but please wait until they get settled into their new home.

Posted/updated on:

September 8, 2023
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