Reflection Groups in the Fall

A third round of UUC Reflection Groups have just concluded, and the coordinating team (our “Awakening Spirit Adhocracy”) is pleased to announce a fall offering to be guided by The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World. The book shares a week of wide ranging, personal conversations between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu about the nature of joy and their own painful experiences of the obstacles to joy.

Registration will open in mid-August and close in mid-September. Informed and encouraged by our three previous Reflection Groups, we will again form groups of seven to ten people who meet six times over a period of three months. Trained co-facilitators will support group sharing arising from personal reflection around readings and spiritual practices related to the guiding text, suggested by the two beloved religious leaders.

While most of the 119 participants of past groups have told us they found the reading material inspiring and meaningful to their own spiritual journey, by far the most appreciated aspect of these small group has been the deep, heartfelt connections with other UUC members and friends.

Watch for registration details later this summer.

Recent guiding texts chosen for UUC Reflection Groups:

  • Spring 2022: Welcoming the Unwelcome by Pema Chodron
  • Fall/ Winter 2022-23: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • Winter/Spring 2023: See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur 

Posted/updated on:

June 8, 2023
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