Update on the Building for Our Future Campaign

Dear Friends,

As you know, this fall at UUC we have been conducting a special capital campaign in an effort to raise $1.7 million to ‘finish the job’ of paying for our recent building remodel, so that we—and our church’s annual operating budget—might move forward unencumbered by that debt. It is such a great opportunity to renew our commitment to the future and make good on the generosity of all who have given generously to this community in so many ways for the past 100 years.

Well, there is exciting news: as of this past week, gifts and capital pledge commitments have been received from over 132 UUC families and we have not only reached that $1.7 million goal, we have surpassed it by over $100,000!

With grateful hearts we say: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Many of you have already begun (or completed) making the actual gift corresponding to your pledge—again, thank you! Our goal is to receive the remaining gifts by January 31, 2024, and “burn the mortgage” at that time. If you have specific questions about ways you might make your capital gift, please contact Byron Krystad in the church office at 206-454-7723 or byron.krystad@uuchurch.org.

As previously noted, to the extent that capital gifts received from this campaign exceed the amount necessary to retire the remaining building debt, any excess will be applied to UUC’s capital reserves as a down payment on our building’s future capital work. Stay tuned in the coming months for a report from Byron Krystad and our Building and Grounds Team about UUC’s long-term capital needs.

As ever, and with renewed energy, may we move forward with open minds, loving and generous hearts, and hands that are willing to serve, for our church community, and not for our community alone.

Steve Carlson, on behalf of UUC’s Building for Our Future campaign

Posted/updated on:

December 9, 2023
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