Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
UUC’s Version of StoryCorps®
Are you familiar with StoryCorps—an ongoing project dedicated to the recording, sharing, and preservation of stories from everyday men and women across America? Perhaps you’ve heard some of these stories on National Public Radio. The StoryCorps project inspired us to begin capturing the history and legacy of UUC by interviewing our own members.
On this page, you will find stories from long-time members as well as new members. You will hear stories about their spiritual journeys, why they joined UUC, and their unique memories and experiences in this community. To understand the values, history, and spirit of this church, listen to these stories!
“My parents decided they didn’t want anything to do with religion.”
“Time stopped. Anything, absolutely anything, was possible in that moment.”
“… on Sundays, we pushed furniture to the wall and had Sunday services in people’s living room … and sang … a cappella.”
… but I didn’t realize I would meet so many older people who were so wonderful!”
“The best parenting decision I ever made was to join the Unitarian Church!”
“When John Kennedy was assassinated … we sought refuge … here at the church … It was a profound experience for all of us.”
“I don’t think people know that UUC was one of the first art galleries in the city of Seattle.”
“It was like a Norman Rockwell moment. I can still picture him (Jon Luopa) standing there, grating that cheese …”
“Coming to church that Sunday and listening to Jon … that was the first moment that I felt ‘These are my people. And this is my minister.’ “
“I was always joking that I had to wait to come of age myself before I would be suitable to mentor a young man.”
“I was coordinating all the volunteers for the whole auction by myself!”
“I was fortunate and blessed to be on Jon Luopa’s search committee …”
“ … so I convinced myself to do it, and we had a really great guide who was talking us through it … and this really magical thing happened …”
“When I was a senior at the UW, I had an argument with my father about religion … he said, ‘You sound like a Unitarian.’ ”
“We each realized we had missed so much … and our children had missed so much.”
“I found my niche in this church … I love to greet people as they come through the door!”
“I decided … it was time to try jumping in. So I really did jump in feet first.”
“The high schoolers were doing a service on peace, and I sat and cried through the whole service. I knew I was home.”
“On the day of my graduation, I left my family and everything and came out West alone.”
“What a beautiful, warm, joyful spot in which to spend my waning years! Thank you, UUC.”
“This is a story about a story, or rather it’s a story about teaching a story to some groups of great children, as part of the University Unitarian Church’s church school.”
“When I moved to Seattle in 1991, it was the end of a Unitarian journey, beginning in the mid-50s … in Washington D.C.”
“I thought, ‘Not only is this further confirmation of … a good fit … maybe someday I’d like to be a COA mentor myself.’ ”