Religious Education

University Unitarian Church offers a number of engaging and meaningful religious education classes for children and youth on Sunday mornings.  In religious education classes, children and youth gather with their peers to explore meaning-making and living our values in the world.  Through story-telling, art, games, and discussion, children and youth develop their spiritual toolkit and create communities of care.  Please use the drop-down menu below to read descriptions of each class and click here to register.

  • Sprouts Care: Ages 6 months to 4.5 Years

    Quality and loving childcare is available to our youngest community members, in our Sprouts classroom during both the 9:30 and the 11:15 a.m. services. Children in Sprouts also experience meaningful ritual and community building each Sunday through snack time, stories and play.  We use Jen Shattuck's "Letters from Ellery" videos to provide a simple arc of faith development for our older Sprouts kiddos and fun ways to bring religious exploration home.  To view previous "Letters from Ellery" videos and suggestions for at-home religious exploration, please click here.

  • Superhero Academy: 1st - 5th Grade (11:15am Service ONLY)

    Using the premise of popular superheroes, like Black Panther and Teen Titans, this elementary-age class builds the foundations for anti-opression, personal responsibility, and love.  We often begin the morning with creative free-play, as children are dropped off and get settled.  Our Welcome Circles begin with lighting the Chalice and sharing Joys and Sorrows.  Group reflection includes exploring questions like "what can help us work through our fears?" and "how can we help our community?"  Children continue to explore these questions throughout the morning with a group activity or game, like making an obstacle course or trying out improv games.  In Superhero Academy, children develop a sense of creativity and agency, knowing they have the strength and resources to work for justice in our world.

  • World Religions: 6th - 7th Grades (11:15am Service ONLY)

    In our middle school program, young teens learn about other faith traditions and the religious origins of Unitarian Universalism.  Youth learn about the important theological questions explored in all faith traditions, develop their ability to see from a range of perspectives, and cultivate interfaith connection.  In addition to discussion, creative activities, reading, and videos, this learning also takes place through field trips to visit our neighbors in faith.  World Religions is offered only at the 11:15 am service.

  • Our Whole Lives: 8th - 9th Grade (11:15am Service ONLY)

    Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive sexuality education program designed to help participants gain the knowledge, values and skills to lead sexually healthy, responsible lives. In this OWL class, youth explore many topics, such as anatomy and physiology, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, dating, pregnancy, contraception, and sexual decision making. (This program requires advance registration.)  OWL is offered only at the 11:15 am service and is NOT open for drop-in after October 2.

  • Coming of Age: 9th - 10th Grade (11:15am Service ONLY)

    Coming Of Age is a rite of passage experience where participants explore their personal and spiritual beliefs.  At the beginning of the year, Coming of Age teens are paired with an adult mentor from the congregation, who offers a sense of guidance and perspective.  Together, mentors and mentees explore questions about god, identity, life after death, good and evil, justice-making, and personal purpose.  The class works together on a service project and creates a worship service.  Coming of Age culminates in a solo vigil and the development of a faith statement, which teens share with the congregation during a special service in May.  (This program requires advance registration).  Coming of age is offered only at the 11:15 am service and is not open for drop-ins after October 2nd.

  • Our Whole Lives: Kindergarten-1st Grade

    In addition to the religious education classes listed above, UUC is now offering the Our Whole Lives class for Kindergarten and 1st grade.  This eight-week workshop curriculum helps children begin the life-long process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and values about identity, relationships, safety and health.  Our Whole Lives is offered after the service, beginning in January 2023 and requires pre-registration.  A concurrent parent group is offered as an opportunity for OWL K-1 parents to connect with one another and reflect on the topics their children will be exploring.

Note: In addition to the programs listed above, a number of special events are offered throughout the year.  To stay up-to-date on upcoming opportunities for connection and faith development, please sign up for the Family or Youth Ministry newsletter.

Youth Programs & Events

Community is vital to our youth - they crave it! - and UUC is committed to providing them with opportunities to rebuild strong connections by meeting them where they are at.  Although youth grades 10-12 are not meeting each Sunday, we invite youth and families to sign up for the youth programs newsletter to learn about unique upcoming programming serving youth grades 6-12, including:

- Youth Group - discussion and experience are central to youth group as youth explore their values and beliefs.  Youth group emphasizes learning, social action, worship, leadership, and community building.  Each session includes opportunities for discussion, self-expression, faith development and spiritual practices.  Youth group meets once per month at this time;

- Service and social action opportunities in the community;

- Regional opportunities like meetups with youth from other UU congregations in the Puget Sound and the Pacific Northwest, and Youth Cons or conferences; and

- Summer camps that offer opportunities to be both campers (Camp Blue Boat near Wenatchee, WA and The Eliot Institute at Seabeck) and camp counselors (UUC's Chalice Camp) each summer.

Parent Programs

At UUC we seek to partner with parents in their family's faith development, as well as support parents' own spiritual exploration and community building.  This comes in many forms, including parent covenant groups and parents nights out.  Our current, ongoing program for parents is the Antiracism Parent Group (see below).  Please refer to the Gateway or Family Ministry newsletters for other upcoming events and programs.

Antiracism Parent Group

As described in our 2021-2022 covenant, this group gathers "in the spirit of joy and faith, in an effort to explore ways we might build a world of liberation, free from oppression, with the children in our care."  Led by Aria Curtis, Roberta Ray, and Rev. Justin Almeida, the Antiracism Parent Group meets both in person and on Zoom to support one another as we "seek to understand how the systems of oppression in which we were raised live out in us and how we choose differently in our lives and in the lives of our children."  For more information about the Antiracism Parent Group, please contact Aria Curtis.


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