Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
UUC members and friends are invited to an experiential course on "Exploring Spiritual Practices for UUs" this spring, with the Rev. Bruce Davis. Bruce has long-time ties to UUC, and is Minister Emeritus of the Evergreen UU Fellowship (Marysville, WA).
His summer 2023 offering of a course at UUC similar to this one was well attended and well received. This class is open to first-time or repeat attendees. If you participated in the summer retreat, you will find both review and new practices to consider.
Bruce will be our pulpit guest at UUC on Sunday, April 7. The course begins the following Thursday, April 11, from 6 p.m.–8 p.m. and continues at that same time on April 18, 25, and May 2. We hope you will join us for all four Thursday evening sessions.
There is no charge for this course, but advance registration is requested. Click here for more information and to register
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