Interweave Potluck and Discussion

Friday, April 7, 6–8 p.m. in Knatvold and via Zoom

Friends and allies, the next Interweave potluck and discussion will be held Friday, April 7. Potluck 6–7 p.m. followed by a virtual and in-person discussion. The theme: Assault on the Transgender Community. Of course, this is an assault on the entire LGBTQ+ community, ironically by the same people who most vocally espouse personal liberties. Join us for a lively discussion.

All are welcome. No matter how you identify, you are welcome.

Click here  for more info on Interweave; use the “Join” button to let the group leaders know you’re interested. If you need help accessing UUC Connect, our password-protected site for members and friends, contact the church office. For the  Zoom meeting link, click here.

Posted/updated on:

April 4, 2023
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