Reflection Groups

Applications closed: Fall 2023 Reflection Groups

Applicants were asked to review this page before applying.

Reflection groups were introduced in Spring 2022 to encourage the experience of discovery, solace, hope, and courage through UU spiritual exploration, reflection, and meditative practice in the supportive company of others. You’ll join a group of 8-10 participants including a trained facilitator or co-facilitators, for six sessions meeting twice a month for two hours each time. Participants are asked to make a commitment to attend for the duration of the group. 

A guiding text is chosen as an encounter with spiritual diversity, offering a perspective that we hope will be new for most UUs. By engaging terms and concepts likely to be outside the known and comfortable, Reflection Group participants will have the opportunity to practice loosening rigid personal habits and cultural norms and gain insight into adapting and applying meaning in a more fluid frame of circumstances and lived experience. 

  • These are not discussion groups. Rather, they invite personal reflections offered from the heart, and are met with deep listening rather than immediate response. Reflection groups develop the capacity to be present with open acceptance, refraining from cross-talk, critique, offering advice, or trying to identify and fix a problem. Agreements on engagement are held in covenant among group members, who may choose to mutually amend their chosen practices any time.

  • These are not book groups. While a book will be used to provide a common foundation for personal reflection and practice, the content will not be reviewed and evaluated as a group. Reading, contemplation and preparation is expected in advance of each meeting. During the gathering, participants will allow reflections to emerge through spiritual practices such as Lectio Divina and periods of silent introspection. Facilitators will guide these practices and offer reflection questions to invite sharing.

Our guiding text for fall 2023 is The Book of Joy: Finding Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The book may be found at the UUC Bookstore (open on Sundays or by appointment), from commercial sources, and from public libraries, including in eBook format.

Why this text? The book is based on a week of wide-ranging conversations between two revered spiritual leaders and Nobel Peace Prize winners from vastly different cultures and religious traditions: Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama. Their positions as influential world leaders brought them together decades ago, and they became fast friends. Their weeklong meeting at the Dalai Lama's residence in Dharamsala was planned to celebrate a birthday. They spent their time together sharing stories of their lives, each having experienced incredible difficulties and strife. They focused particularly on nature of joy and the obstacles to joy, sharing from their own perspectives and lives of spiritual practice and teaching. Our hope is that through your reading and engaging their spiritual practice offerings at each session and on your own, you'll discover an opening to your own similar experiences, your own way to a sustaining joy in life. 

How do I sign up?  Applications were available online, and printed application forms were available at the church. Applications were due to the church office by September 22. Groups are now being formed based on availability of participants, with an eye to balancing warm companionship and diversity of perspective. Groups usually meet in-person at the church, but there are Zoom and off-site participation options too – applicants were able to mark their choices on the application form. Those assigned to groups may expect confirming information by September 26.

Missed the sign-up or have other questions?  If you hoped to participate but missed the application deadline, contact Janine Larsen, UUC Director of Ministries. We may have one or more groups that have empty seats, which can be filled until the group begins meeting at the facilitator(s) discretion.  Contact Janine you have any other questions, too.

Looking for late entry? APPLY HERE
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