Board of Trustees

University Unitarian Church is governed by a Board of Trustees (BOT) elected for three-year terms by the congregation from among its members. Each year, the Board appoints a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, as described in our bylaws.  The Board also oversees and appoints members of the Nominating Committee and may create ad hoc working groups as needs arise.

The Board will govern primarily by discerning and articulating mission; planning for the future; partnering with the Senior Minister; ensuring that resources are cared for and directed to the mission; and holding leaders of the Church, including its own members, accountable for their performance. The Board, in all its activities, has a duty of care to the organization, such that each board member has a legal responsibility to participate actively in making decisions on behalf of the organization and to exercise their best judgment while doing so. The Board has a duty of loyalty, such that each member must put the interests of the organization before their personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the organization in a decision-making capacity. Further, the Board has a duty of obedience, in which Board members bear the legal responsibility of ensuring that the organization complies with all applicable laws and adheres to its mission.

The Board of Trustees holds business meetings on the first Thursday of each month, September through June, at 7 p.m. (Refer to the church calendar for meeting location). Members and friends are welcome to attend. The key to governance at UUC is communication between the Board and the congregation. Please seek out your Board members after church services to share your thoughts and questions.

UUC 2024-25 Board of Trustees

Contact all members of the Board via 3-Year Terms (Expire in June)
Paula Nurius, President 2025
Hugh Kimball, Vice President 2026
Sooraj Kuttykrishnan, Secretary 2026
Jim Thompson, Treasurer 2025
Nicholas Eddington 2027
Alison McCormick 2027
Lora Poepping 2026

UUC 2024-25 Moderator

Moderator Two Year Term Expires in June
Chuck Harwood 2026

Board and Annual Meeting Minutes

In support of the Annual Congregational Meeting, the Board of Trustees, with the support of church staff, provide the congregation with a document that describes the business of the meeting (e.g. the 2023 Annual Meeting). Note that the minutes of the previous congregational meeting are included in “draft” form, because they are then approved by the congregation as an item of business.

In addition to the documents supporting the annual meeting each year, the staff provides a Fiscal Year End Closing Report that describes the actual financial position and activities of the church for the fiscal year ending June 30. This report is typically available by August of the same calendar year.

Minutes from the monthly Board of Trustees’ meetings and from congregational meetings are available in links below.

2024-25 Fiscal Year

2023-24 Fiscal Year

2022-23 Fiscal Year

Minutes from previous fiscal years Board of Trustee meetings are available from the church office by request.

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