Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
By Patricia Graesser, Board President
The Board of Trustees offered a report out about our listening tour findings so far on February 25 after each service, and a brief summary of what the Board has heard so far follows.
The Board held 10 listening sessions with various groups across UUC this last quarter. We asked to hear their thoughts about what aspects of UUC are thriving, what needs more attention, how we can collectively address gaps, how we can foster engagement and what resonates about the current vision.
Most group members thought their own groups were thriving. Several groups gave the potluck as an example of a positive well-attended, multigenerational experience. Groups thought family ministry and our support to homeless service entities were thriving areas. The fact that the church paid off its building debt was also noted repeatedly as a sign that UUC is thriving.
Gaps the groups identified included interconnectivity among church groups, offering newcomers radical hospitality, volunteer encouragement and coordination, publicizing the activities of existing groups, congregational diversity and making our new spaces feel warmer and welcoming.
Suggestions for how group members thought we could address perceived gaps included hosting rotating tabling events, serving as intentional upstairs connectors at coffee hour, supporting more potluck type events, using our space to host outside organizations, holding small group discussion opportunities, inviting our neighbors to events, holding more intergenerational events, recruiting an office volunteer and recruiting a volunteer coordinator.
Ideas for fostering engagement included: having upstairs connectors at coffee hour, communicating more ways and more frequently about what various groups are doing and using our facility to serve the community outside our walls.
Several specific ideas included group fairs, speed friending, music and dances, potlucks, breakfasts and small group discussions. Participants wanted more group leader connection opportunities and intergenerational events and service elements. Some suggested increased family involvement, greater involvement of youth in volunteer roles and considering a youth advisory council.
When asked for thoughts about what resonated in the vision statement. Several liked the multigenerational wording and some noted “seek partnership,” “contribute to the common good” and “risk leaving the safety of known ways.”
The Board will continue to make opportunities to get direct feedback from active congregant groups and individuals this quarter and beyond.
We ask that you to join us in thinking about how we as a community can address gaps, celebrate those who help us thrive and live our vision more fully and consider what role you would like to play.
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