Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
We share with great sadness that Jayne Cooper died peacefully February 23 at the age of 93. Jayne was a longtime active member of UUC. The church was an important part of her life, demonstrated by her involvement with the Art and Membership Committees, the Ministerial Committee for the interim assistant minister before Alicia Grace, Alicia’s Search Committee, the Care Team and the Meaningful Aging Group.
Jayne was a wise, caring and generous woman and will be missed by her family and those who were fortunate enough to know and work with her. A celebration of her life is being planned.
Those who knew Jayne may wish to hear some of her story told in her own voice as part of UUC’s version of StoryCorps®, created by UUC volunteers. This link will take you to the project page for these recordings. There is a short introduction to the project, then several of the audio recordings accompanied by the photos of the contributors. Jayne’s recording is the very last one, so if you get a prompt to “show more,” click that and go to the bottom.
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