4th Principle Dialogue Group
This image is of a chalice with and overlay of the word love over the flame, with six outstretched arms that create a circle around each of the core values and form a six petal flower shape. Each arm is a different color and clockwise they are: Interdependence (Orange), Equity (Red), Transformation (Purple), Pluralism (Dark Blue), Generosity (Teal), and Justice (Yellow).
Image from the Proposed UUA Article II revision

Thursday, March 30, 7–8:45 p.m. in King

Changes to Principles & Sources?

Join the 4th Principle Dialogue Group as we continue discussing the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws Article II, this time on Zoom. The proposed changes include replacing the lists of “principles, sources, and purposes” with new lists of “values, inspirations, and purposes.” Should the UUA’s purpose change? In June at the UUA General Assemblydelegates from UUC will vote on the proposal. What difference does it make? Different UUs have varying views on this proposal, and we take these differences as a strength. Let’s explore those differences and get to know each other better.

You can see the proposed changes in a document created by Jonathan Tweet , with the proposed Article II wording and the current wording side by side.


The seven UU Principles arranged in a nested circle with different colors for each.
Principles from our existing UUA Bylaws

Additional sources for learning and dialogue are the Commission’s official report , a brief description of the 2009 attempt to amend Article II , a document that calls out the changes that the Commission made in response to feedback on last fall’s draft, and finally a group of UUs who are organizing to Save the Seven Principles : “A radical rewrite of Article II of the UUA bylaws threatens our liberal faith.”

Our two sessions in February were well-attended, with lively dialogue, so we are taking up the topic for a third session, and maybe we will do a fourth. Following this topic, we will discuss more of Rev Jon’s sermons, including “Encountering God”.

The 4th Principle Dialogue Group pursues the congregational goal of Connected Community. We get to know each other and connect to each other through meaningful, open-hearted dialogue. Drop-ins welcome. Homework not required. See more on UU Connect.

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March 30, 2023
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