Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
When we ask for volunteers, what we’re really asking for are congregants to see themselves as integral in running our church. We are asking you to serve knowing that each commitment of time, energy and resources opens a pathway for others and enriches our own lives.
Sunday morning services are ideal opportunities to practice welcoming the stranger and coming to know each other more. As part of the Sunday Welcoming Team, the Coffee Crew members, Greeters and Usher seek to individually welcome congregants and guests before, during and after services—helping them feel connected. These roles are key and are important to fill.
I (Rebecca) have co-led the Ushers for most of my 21 years as a member of this church. I have found it to be a good pairing of social engagement and helpfulness. In addition to helping people find seats and receiving the offerings, Ushers watch to make sure the services go as planned—ready to help with late arrivals, hearing devices, lost partners and medical emergencies.
We need more Ushers, Greeters and Coffee Crew members! Envision yourself in these roles. It’s not just volunteering; it is active engagement in the running of this, our church—helping us become the Beloved Community we seek.
If you would like to give any of these roles a try, please contact Rebecca DiNino about ushering, or Janine Larsen about any of the other Sunday Welcoming positions.
Rebecca DiNino and Gayle Childers, co-leads for UUC Ushers
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