UUC has partnered with Teen Feed for twenty years, so many of you know that they offer a critical safety net for homeless teens in our community. Eighteen times each year, volunteers from UUC's Meal Team gather to prepare and serve a meal to teens who are unhoused in the University District. These meals are a conduit for the Teen Feed staff to invite conversation with teens who have found it difficult to trust adults in their lives. Over the years, UUC has also hosted Warm Clothes Holiday Giving, to collect donations of coats, sweatshirts, tents and more to benefit the Teen Feed youth.
Last weekend, over thirty from our congregation shared their time with Teen Feed, including nine of our youth:
- On Saturday, nine Coming of Age youth and mentors rolled up their sleeves to give the host kitchen site at University Congregational Church a deep clean. This kitchen gets used by meal teams 7 nights a week, so periodically, the kitchen deserves some extra attention at an OhSoClean event. Think bleach, scrub, spray, rub and organize—and this is the second time our Coming of Age youth and mentors have taken on this important project!
- On Sunday, twenty-three from UUC were involved in chopping, rolling, baking and serving the nightly meal—two kinds of burritos, Spanish rice, homemade pico de gallo with chips, two choices of fruit, corn and rice krispie treats. The first shift operated an amazing assembly line, with three at-home bakers involved in preparing several pans of Spanish rice, and lots of warm smiles on the second shift to serve it up. The Meal Team prepares 75 meals, allowing for seconds and thirds, including to-go boxes delivered to the Roots Young Adult Shelter with any extra food offered to Tent City 3 residents.